Welcome To Typetool-Quickbuild-Script


  1. Jscript for Text-Formating with RightMouseButton (R1.0 2002/04/23)
  2. WYSIWYG-Text-Formating for any Textarea (R2.0 2002/05/23)
  3. with Security Check (R3.0 2002/06/12)
  4. with Div-Tools for Online-Designing (R4.0 2002/07/08)
  5. Editor-Options, Open/Save-Local Files, Content Recover, Chipcard-Data Insert, Find (R5.0 2002/09/26)
  6. Simpler And Flexibler Integration (R5.5 2002/10/20)
  7. Highlight-Hotkeys, Return/Shift+Return, Security Uploads (R6.0 2002/11/02)
  8. Link with target, The Simplest Integration (R6.5 2002/12/12)
  9. Working also With Mozilla 1.3 (R7.0 2003/03/16)
  10. Table and Layer Tools for Mozilla 1.3 Version (R7.5 2003/05/25)
  11. Stylesheet CSS , Languages, InsertImage from Uploaddir and Editor-destroy-function (R8.0 2004/01/07)
  12. Release 9.0 - Mozilla 1.3+, Netscape 7.1 (2004/03/15)

Actual Version:

* NEW * Release 10.0 - InsertImage for IE, Positionmark for Mozilla (2004/08/22)* NEW *

New function Insertimage for IE and Positonmark by Swapmode for Mozilla

Textarea 1:
Textarea 2:

Very easy integration:

You need to add below lines at bottom of your HTML-Pages (e.g. direct before </BODY> or between </BODY> and </HTML> or after </HTML>) .
That's all.
Then you can input HTML-Codes (or something else) fast and correctly into any text-input element (input text, textarea).
By Textarea can user format their Text visually with right mousebutton.

<script src='http://......./jscript/quickbuild.js'></script>

UPLOAD-feature needs also editing the file "upload.html" and server scripts: "upload.pl, show.pl", "upload.php, show.php", "upload.asp, show.asp" and "index.html" in your upload directory (see there).
You can now (R8.0) change layout of the editor by editing the file "vdev.css".
And using your language by translating the file "language.js"

If you don't like default configuation, you can modify it with 3 methods.

  1. Once for whole site: Change global Variables, which you need,  in file QUICKBUILD.JS.
  2. Flexible for a specific page: Set global variales, which you need, before those line.
    e.g: <script>VISUAL=0; SECURE=0; USEFORM=1;</script>
  3. Combine between both showed methods.



Posible Values


SECURE=1; 0,1;  all tags <script>, <meta>, on-events.... turn to normal text.
VISUAL=1;  0,1,2,3,4,.. see under
POPWIN=1;  1,0 Enable Right-click Popup dialog
DFFACE=''; 'times new roman'; Default fontFamily of Editor
DFSIZE='';    '14px'; Default fontSize
DCOLOR='';  'blue'; Default color
DBGCOL='';  'green'; Default backgroundColor
DBGIMG='';    Default URL-backgroundImage 
DCSS='';    'test.css'; Default External Stylesheet-URL- content's layout
SYMBOLE='<QBFBR>' ;    Symbole for end-of-field in clipboard-chipcard.
USETABLE=1;  0,1 Support table editor
USEFORM=0; 0,1 Support inputing forms and their elements
RETURNNL=1; 0,1 1=Newline by pressing RETURN-Button and New paragraph by SHIFT+RETURN
FULLCTRL=0; 0,1 0=fast loading; 1=display all control buttons
VDEVCSS='vdev.css'; filename editor's layout
LANGUAGE='language.js'; filename editor's language, predefined font and textstyle

VISUAL=0 : Textarea turn to Editor after confirmation
VISUAL=1 : all Textareas turn to Editors
VISUAL=2 : spezific textareas turn to Editors
VISUAL=3 : all Iframes turn to Editors
VISUAL=4 : spezific Iframes turn to Editors
VISUAL=other : no Visual-Editor

If you want to turn on only one specific textarea, then :

<script src='http://......./jscript/quickbuild.js'></script>


xxx= form index  (=0....n)
yyy= textarea name

Release by VIETDEV, welcome